June 30, 2020
Jesus Solorio Announces Run for Congress
Chair of Hispanic GOP Organization Promises to Hold Chuy Garcia Accountable
Chicago – Jesus Solorio today announced he is on the ballot and officially running as the Republican candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives for the 4th congressional district in November.
An independent businessman and community leader, Jesus was appointed by the 4th Republican Congressional State Central Committee to replace the late Christopher Lasky – who passed away suddenly in late 2019.
As a native of Chicago’s southside, Solorio knows first-hand that our communities should be thriving and safe, instead we have unacceptably high unemployment, lack of job mobility, and increased crime rates.
In calling for improved economic, educational, and healthcare opportunities for the people of the district, Solorio stated:
For too long, Illinois has been under one party rule – It’s time to break this stronghold and make our communities thrive. Every election cycle, entrenched politicians promise us the same things, then go on to accomplish very little. Using scare tactics, they try to hide their failures by confusing voters. That stops today.
From higher taxes on hard working families, to burdensome regulations on small business owners – It’s time to have an honest conversation about the harmful policies, programs, and mandates Democrat politicians have enacted in Illinois, and on our behalf in Washington.
While career politicians promise you the rich will pay ever more in taxes, our cold reality is the wealthy depart for low-tax states to avoid penalty, leaving hard-working families behind to get soaked, paying an unsustainable tax burden. Worse, at the end of the line are the people who need real help but are poorly served by an overbuilt and underfunded government program. This doesn’t work for anyone I know.
We just experienced another heartbreakingly deadly weekend in Chicago, and instead of working with law enforcement and the federal government to find bipartisan solutions, Democrats continue to play cheap political blame-games. That must change.
Leaders don’t point fingers in hopes no one will notice their shortcomings. They step up, take responsibility, risk their reputations, and work across the aisle to find real solutions to reduce crime in our neighborhoods.
Unfortunately, Chuy Garcia won’t do the hard work required to build that peaceful future. This election is the most important election of our lifetime and we must fight to keep the American Dream alive.
I’m asking Republicans, Democrats, and Independents to vote for change in November, to vote for someone who will bring bold, new leadership to Congress and respect the hard-working families of the district by putting them ahead of special interests and corrupt political machines.
I’m Jesus Solorio, and I’m running for congress in the 4th congressional district, thank you.”
To learn more Jesus Solorio, and how you can support his growing movement for a stronger, safer, more secure America, visit